How much do cochlear implants cost?

Cochlear implants are the standard of care for treating severe hearing loss and are covered by insurance. Consult your policy information. They are frequently covered under "prosthetic devices." Please note that insurances may have stricter hearing requirements than what is shown to be beneficial.

For example, Medicare requires no greater than 40% speech perception in the ear to be implanted. Research shows that cochlear implants outperform hearing aids when given to patients who have less than 60% speech perception. This is a disconnect between when insurance will pay versus what is actually beneficial for the patient.

Sometimes insurances require multiple appeals. You cannot appeal Medicare–you either qualify or you do not. The only option for Medicare is to wait for coverage to be less strict. For patients who wish to pay out of pocket, please contact our office for a quote.

More FAQs

What does music sound like with a cochlear implant?

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What is a Bilateral Cochlear Implant?

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Are you a single or dual processor clinic?

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Will I lose my residual hearing after cochlear implant surgery?

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When does the robotic sound of a cochlear implant go away?

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Why shouldn't I wait for better cochlear implant technology?

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