Which cochlear implant brand should I get?

Cochlear implant companies advertise many different features. Currently there is no evidence that suggests that one manufacturer has better outcomes than another.

  • They often advertise the number of electrodes they provide. CIs have 16-24 electrodes. These electrodes provide more information than patients can actually use. Most patients can only perceive about 16 “channels” of sound provided by an implant.
  • One company advertises its long electrode that “covers more of the cochlea.” There is no consistent or great evidence supporting this claim in independent studies.
  • Speech processing strategies convert sound to electricity. There are a variety of different speech processing strategies such as “HiRes,” “ACE,” and “Fine Structure Processing.” None have been shown to be superior to others.

More FAQs

What does music sound like with a cochlear implant?

REad the answer

What is a Bilateral Cochlear Implant?

REad the answer

Are you a single or dual processor clinic?

REad the answer

Will I lose my residual hearing after cochlear implant surgery?

REad the answer

When does the robotic sound of a cochlear implant go away?

REad the answer

Why shouldn't I wait for better cochlear implant technology?

REad the answer

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